We provide change readiness assessments for businesses and organisations facing change.

Change readiness assessments fall into four broad categories. We can assess your:

  • stakeholder readiness to engage in a specific change (their readiness to engage)
  • change management team’s readiness for a specific change
  • people’s fitness for change (their readiness to succeed at change)
  • organisational readiness for change (the organisation’s agility or adaptability)

Assessments can be tailored to your needs. Each of these assessments will provide valuable information to guide change management plans, staff development needs, and OD needs.

It should be noted that we specialise in oganisational change readiness. Our approaches and practices are supported by the latest academic research into change readiness. We have proprietary change readiness assessment tools to assess your change readiness. From the assessment we can advise you on your state of readiness for change. Remember, embarking on a change for which you are not ready risks failure, unnecessary costs and disruption, and possible damage. To learn more and to speak to a change readiness specialist, click on the button below.

Steve Barlow
Author: Steve Barlow

Steve heads up The Change Gym. He is a change readiness specialist. You can contact him at steve@thechangegym.com.