Other Programs

These ‘other programs’ can become part of your strategy to build change readiness within your organisation. Let’s look at them more closely and see how they can help.

Coaching programs

These coaching programs can help you deepen and extend the change fitness of your teams. The PCFP targets the same change fitness resources as the Superpowers courses, but the PCFP delves deeper into the individual and their personal change fitness. Furthermore, some people learn better in a coaching environment, so this is a good adjunct to the Superpowers programs.

Personal Change FItness Programs (PCFP)

These programs dive deeper into personal change fitness, the inside-the-person aspect of change readiness. They can be taken as a stand-alone course without coaching or including individual or group coaching.

Change Fitness Coaching Certificate (CFCC)

This is a six-month program for leaders and managers who want to learn how to coach their teams to build their change readiness. We dive deeper into change fitness theory and practical issues, so this training has both a theoretical and practical aspect.

People undertake this training to deliver the PCFP and other programs to their organisations.

Management and leadership programs

How you manage and lead people through change influences your readiness to succeed. We dive deeply into how to manage change and how to become a transformational leader. Both are critical elements of change readiness.

Change Management Certificate

This program is for people who want to develop their knowledge and skills in managing and leading organisational change. This is an essential component of change readiness because a lack of readiness to lead change is a lack of readiness to succeed.  This is a great option for people who want to:

  • improve their change management knowledge, skills, and confidence
  • improve rates of engagement in change
  • achieve change management certification from The Change Gym
  • save time and money by training together
  • launch your change readiness strategy

Transformational Leadership

This program will build your transformational leadership capacity. The course is a balance of theory and practice. Contact us to learn more about this program.