Change Readiness Superpowers Group Course
This is the full 10-week online program with 5 x 90-minute group live training sessions included. Includes 2 group assessments. Minimum of 6 people per group. Per person price shown in AUD. Includes three months access to a monthly interactive Alumni Group where you can bring questions about change and discuss them with others.
The course is usually delivered over 10 weeks (or as arranged). Here’s what you get:
- An initial and post-training group change fitness assessment with a group report
- Approximately one hour of weekly instructional videos presented in three bite-sized episodes. These videos are embedded into the online program and are for each participant to watch on their own
- There are reflective questions accompanying the videos designed to get people to think about the applications of the course material for their organisation or team
- There are 5 x 90-minute group training sessions (online), held fortnightly. These sessions utilise the video content as a catalyst for group discussions, especially around how to apply the learnings to meet organisational needs
- An optional sixth group session with an agenda to discuss and plan what and how to implement takeaways from the previous sessions
- In addition, you have three months access to a monthly interactive Learning Group where you can bring questions about change and discuss them with others.
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