Ever wish your people were better at change?

Build change fitness

Your change readiness strategy

How will a change readiness strategy help you and your team? An effective change readiness strategy:

Makes it easier for your people to engage and stay in the game. Change affects people, and people affect outcomes. Some adapt to change, engage, and strive to succeed. Others resist, opt out, sit on the sidelines, and hope it goes away. An effective change readiness strategy will help you build a team of engaged, successful people.

Makes your organisation adaptable, responsive, and agile. Powerful forces are at play, and change-ready organisations have an advantage. An effective change readiness strategy should be part of your playbook.

Empowers you to fulfil your purpose and change your direction (when needed). The future is uncertain, but there is no doubt about the value of an effective change readiness strategy. It is a fixed point in a moving landscape. It is an asset that will always be valuable.

A change readiness strategy is necessary in today’s fast-paced world. Your strategy must be based on tried and tested scientific principles that you can rely on.  We make it easy for you to build the change readiness of your team.

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Develop a change readiness strategy? How?

You need to work on two areas at the same time.

One area is psychological – what we call ‘change fitness’. This area relates to people’s internal capacity to be good at change. Your people need specific psychological capacities that give them the strength to engage and succeed at change.

The second area is structural and environmental. Your people need a supportive, change-ready environment that allows them to engage their change fitness strengths and succeed at change. 

With a scientific change readiness strategy, your people’s well-being will improve, your culture will be stronger, and your organisation will be more adaptable, competitive, and resilient.

We can help you

There are four ways we can help you build your change readiness strategy and ensure your organisation is ready for change. These are;

  1. Knowledge – most people have limited or incorrect ideas about how change actually works. And fewer still know how to make it work for them. Our programs are based on solid adult education practices designed to build theoretical and practical knowledge of change readiness principles. Once acquired, understood, and absorbed, knowledge changes how people think and behave. This is how you build capacity and lasting strength.
  2. A framework – most people lack a conceptual framework to build a change readiness strategy. We have Ph.D.-level expertise in change readiness to help you avoid the pitfalls.
  3. A system—developing a reliable system to build change readiness takes time and experience. You can leverage our time and expertise to simplify the task. Our system is simple and easy to implement. 
  4. Tools – we have created tools and resources that you can use to make change readiness easy to build. 

We aim to make your change readiness strategy effective and easy. It’s simple and easy to get started.



About Us

We are change readiness specialists. Our programs were developed under the guidance of Dr Steve Barlow, CEO of The Change Gym. Steve holds a PhD in change readiness. Steve teaches change readiness in the Master of Leadership program at the School of Medicine at the University of Tasmania. 

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