Bringing science to:

✅ Transformational Leadership

✅ Readiness for Change

✅ Change Fitness

By building and leveraging change readiness and transformational leadership, we help leaders and managers achieve their goals with lower costs and less disruption.

Do you experience any of these issues?

  • Workers are anxious about change, and getting them involved is tough
  • Managers are okay with the day-to-day but less okay with transformation 
  • The culture is resistant to change, and people fear making mistakes
  • Progress is the goal, but making it happen is the challenge

How do you address problems like these? 

Traditionally, the way to solve these problems is through strong and effective management. You need to manage programs, processes, and people and, if you can manage these factors effectively, all will be well.

But often it isn’t.

Management is no silver bullet

The problem is that people assume good management is the silver bullet. If you manage well, the outcomes will take care of themselves.

We disagree. We’re not saying that good management doesn’t matter – it matters very much. But good management is not the only thing that matters. 

There’s an old saying about horses and water that demonstrates what we mean. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. 

Leaders of horses, like leaders of people, have certain types of knowledge. They know what is required to maintain performance and where to access resources.

But horses (like people) also have knowledge. They know whether they feel thristy and safe enough to drink. If they don’t, they are not going to drink just because the leader wants them to.

This little saying reveals two important truths about organisational change. Leadership and readiness are equally important.

Most organisations recognise they must manage well if they want to progress. But not so many recognise how important readiness is. 

We focus on building effective transformational leadership and change readiness at the same time. You need transformational leadership and change readiness to maximise outcomes, minimise costs, and experience the growth you want.  

A scientific, two-sided approach

Our approach to organisational change is two-sided. We focus on developing effective leadership and change readiness at the same time. 

We have a scientific approach, PhD level expertise, and real-world experience.  

Some people feel uncomfortable about taking risks but there is no risk in change readiness or transformational leadership. Being good at change bears no risk. Neither does being an effective transformational leader. These are protective factors, not risk factors.  

We have numbers to show that what we do works. And it will work for you, too. If your organisation’s effectiveness depends upon the adaptability and well-being of your people, then change readiness and transformational leadership will help you immensely. 

There are no risks in readiness.