Change How You Change

How Do You Change?

It’s much easier to know what to change than how to change. You can be aware of problems or opportunities and recognise the need for change. However, many people don’t realise that how they change can also a problem. 

But what if how you change were one of your greatest assets? Change readiness is all about how you change and it can revolutionise your business. An effective change readiness strategy (your how) helps you stay in front of your competitors, protects your team, and enhances your culture. 

Change Readiness

Future-proofs your business. Your team must stay ahead of all the changes that could impact your business in the future. Change readiness helps you do that.  

Keeps you safe. Change is risky. Change readiness keeps you safe. Companies that are ready for change adapt faster.

Helps you win. Change readiness improves current performance, sustains future performance, and positions you for success. 

Change readiness is the right foundation for long-term success. In a world of constant change, don’t risk your future. Building change readiness using scientific methods is easy. We can show you how.  

Don’t confuse change readiness with change or project management. Change management focuses on people as they engage in change activities, and project management focuses on the project as a whole. These are important and are factors in an organisation’s change readiness. But change readiness is a much broader, and more fundamental, concept. Change readiness focuses on the organisation’s underlying capacity and environmental readiness for success. 

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How to develop a change readiness strategy

You need a dual focus.

A psychological focus – what we call ‘change fitness’. This area relates to people’s internal capacity to be good at change. Your people need specific psychological capacities that give them the strength to engage and succeed at change.

An environmental focus. Your people need a supportive, change-ready environment that allows them to engage their change fitness strengths and succeed at change. 

An effective change readiness strategy will improve your team’s well-being, build a stronger and more resilient culture, and make your organisation more adaptable and competitive.

We can help you

We support our clients in four areas to promote their change readiness:

Knowledge—We have specialist knowledge of change readiness developed over 20+ years. By sharing this knowledge with you, we can identify what you are doing well and where you can improve. 

Framework—To build change readiness, you need to know what your are doing – you need a conceptual framework. Our Ph.D.-level knowledge of change readiness will give you the framework you need to get started.

System—You need a system that works and provides consistent results. Through our R&D and our work with clients over many years, we have developed a reliable system that you can deploy to deliver predictable outcomes. 

Tools—We have created specialised tools and resources that make it easy to build change readiness and improve performance.

So, how does change readiness work? How can it revolutionise your business? Our work with clients focuses on;

  1. Helping them build the change capacity of their team. This means building their knowledge, skills, confidence, and ability to handle change and be successful. This includes, but is not limited to, improving their change fitness.
  2. Creating opportunities for the exploration of new ideas that they can employ right now to improve their performance, overcome problems, and grow their business. Our clients know their business better than we do. We create a powerful context in which they (leaders and teams) can explore ideas they can leverage. One good idea put into practice can be gold.
  3. Growing independence with change readiness. There’s an old saying, “It’s no honour to your teacher to remain his student forever.” There is a time to move on and stand on your own feet. Our goal is to help you learn what you need to know to keep the change readiness engines alive and running in your business.



About Us

We are change readiness specialists. Our programs were developed under the guidance of Dr Steve Barlow, CEO of The Change Gym. Steve holds a PhD in change readiness. Steve teaches change readiness in the Master of Leadership program at the School of Medicine at the University of Tasmania. 

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