Business Growth

There are many factors influencing the growth potential of a business. These include access to financial and other resources, organisational culture, the growth potential of your industry and market sector, and your growth strategy.

Fundamentally, we could divide business growth into three categories: in-person factors, in-business factors, and in-market factors. 

In-Person Factors

These factors include what the person does and doesn’t know, how they think, and how well they can solve complicated problems. They also include whether they have a fixed mindset or a growth mindset and how resilient they are.

Using change readiness language, these factors relate to a person’s change fitness. People with strong change fitness have learnt how to navigate and succeed at the change process. Those whose change fitness is weaker are more likely to baulk at change, become resistant, and give up before the goal is reached.

We offer change fitness training to help people develop in-person factors to power business growth. People undertaking this training have seen an average 38% improvement in change fitness over a 90-day period.

In-Business Factors

In-business factors also influence a business’s growth potential. Factors like company culture play a significant role. In some organisations, the culture is ready to accept change and can readily accept new ways of thinking, working, and relating. For others, this is a major hurdle and business practices become stuck in a rut. 

Cultural readiness for change also impacts people’s readiness to engage in business growth initiatives. If workers are slow to engage in critical initiatives, the business becomes less competitive and less effective overall. 

We offer training programs to help you create an agile company culture and build a more engaged workforce. You might want to start with one of these programs or consider creating a change readiness plan so you can navigate a structured pathway towards sustainable success.

In-Market Factors

In-market factors refer to your overall strategy compared to competitors and your comparative ability to provide value to your customers. Doing this well requires strategic thinking, and not only at the most senior levels within the company. Strategic thinking should be a priority for all workers, according to their level of responsibility in the business.  

Finding new ways to add value to customers should also be a priority at all organisational levels. This requires evaluating current practices and offerings and taking steps to adapt and continually improve your product and service.  

We offer training programs to help you become more successful in your market.

Change Readiness and Business Growth

These in-person, in-business, and in-market factors suggest that businesses and the people who work in them must be change-ready. Growth doesn’t happen without change. Change readiness is like oil that constantly lubricates the company as it adapts to new demands and opportunities.