What we do

What we do

We help leaders deliver organisational change projects that are more successful, easier to achieve, with less risk, and at less cost.

We do this by helping them build the change readiness of their organisation.

This is achieved by focusing on 4 areas:

  1. increasing the individual change capacity of stakeholders
  2. improving the change leadership capabilities of the team
  3. creating a change-friendly culture
  4. aligning the policies, processes, and structures to support change

Questions we help you answer

  1. How can we understand what change readiness is?
  2. How can we create a change-ready organisation?
  3. How can we embed change readiness into our organisation?
  4. How can we assess our change readiness risk profile?
  5. How can we assess the change fitness profile of key stakeholders?
  6. How can we build the change fitness of key stakeholders?
  7. How can we improve the quality of change leadership?
  8. How can we ensure our leaders have the knowledge and skills to manage change?
  9. How can we ensure change methodologies follow an emergent design?
  10. How can we ensure we follow The Success Pattern?
  11. How can we ensure communications build engagement?
  12. How can we check the effectiveness of engagement messages?
  13. How can we ensure culture supports change?
  14. How can we ensure policies, processes, and structures support change?

Why are these important questions?

They are imporant because they lay at the heart of change readiness. If you want to make sure your business is ready to succeed at change, you must be able to answer these questions.

Providing you a framework

Helping you find a valid and reliable answer to these questions provides a framework to guide your thinking so you can make the best decisions. Once you have the framework, you can solve more problems on your own. You won’t need us; you will be able to see more clearly and have a sense of what needs to happen.