
Uncertainty is everywhere

The world is a very volatile place right now. Long-standing commercial and economic allegiances are under threat. AI models vie for supremacy, scarce funding, and survival. Wars drag on with little hope of lasting peace. Uncertainty about the future disrupts world trade and economic forecasting. Advances in AI agents and humanoid robotics, rising cost-of-living pressures,…

How we look

How we look at things determines what we see. Some industries appear monolithic. When we consider the health industry, the image of multi-storey hospitals comes to mind. We think of designated wards, operating theatres, and expensive machines. These huge buildings are the institutional face of healthcare – a blend of humanitarian approachability and scientific distance….

Change Readiness Problems

Change readiness problems within an organisation decrease engagement, lower expectations of success, promote frustration and fear, and impoverish outcomes. Where do these problems come from? What can be done about them? Organisations consist of multiple and often complex systems working together. When we attempt to analyse the root causes of change readiness problems, we need…


Differences between change management and change readiness

The concepts of change readiness and change management are related because they both deal with change. But in what ways are they different and how should we think about each of them? Here’s an analogy that will help us understand the differences. Imagine you wanted to repaint an old house. The walls are dirty and…


There has been much discussion lately about progress with AI, like Chat GPT and other competitor systems. There’s no doubt this technology has made huge advances in recent years, and we are only at the beginning of an entirely new era. As it develops, AI based technologies will transform many aspects of our lives and…

Sub Your Business

Sub Your Business There has been a lot of talk recently about the nuclear subs Australia plans to acquire from the US and, eventually, build. Many have questioned the logic behind this decision, particularly given the costs of nuclear submarines. But what’s interesting is the defence of the project provided by Australia’s leaders. Here is,…