
Our programs have a psychological and educational focus. They work directly on building personal and organisational change readiness. As change readiness grows, business outcomes and organisational culture improve

These programs’ initial focus is on building the capacity of leaders and managers to increase the change readiness of their teams and organisations. By helping leaders understand and leverage the science of change readiness, they are more able to act as positive role models and influencers within their organisations.

Our programs can be experienced as stand-alone, individual, or group training. Group training allows for more contextualisation and the ability to deal with real-world issues.

The training programs aim to develop skills and resources that help you maintain momentum toward your change goals and build change capacity within your teams. 

What we mean by 'change readiness'

When we use the term ‘change readiness’, we refer to three distinct yet closely related concepts. 

One of these concepts is what we call ‘change fitness’. Change fitness is our capacity for change as individuals. Some people are good at change; they like it, and they are usually successful at it. The reason they are good at change is that they have developed a set of psychological resources that are collectively known as change fitness. Other people dislike change and are often resistant to it. So, in other words, some people have developed lots of change fitness, and some have not. We can measure how much change fitness individuals and groups of people have and identify where they most need to develop and improve.

A second concept concerns the leadership and management of people. It concerns how leaders influence the environment within which people are expected to change. If leaders do this well, people are likelier to engage and succeed.

The third concept relates to the culture of the organisation or group. This culture can be nurturing and change-friendly or toxic.

The Superpowers training course helps you develop all three aspects of change readiness.