Showing all 5 results

  • Vecteezy Portrait Of Successful Creative Business Team Looking At 12534417 (nxpowerlite)

    Change Fitness Coaching Certificate – Group Program


    This program is designed to help participants develop the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective change fitness coach within an organisation. The cost of the training covers up to 10 people within the same group. Upon completion of this program, particpants will receive a Change Fitness Coaching Certificate attesting their training and knowledge. Holders of this certificate become eligible to deliver the Personal Change Fitness Program to others on their teams.

    • theoretical and practical components
    • 6-month program
    • self-paced and group work components
    • contextualised to your particular organisational needs
  • A Team Of Successful Programmers Sits In A Startup Office, Strategizing New Business Projects And Solving Existing Challenges, Showcasing Innovation And Collaboration In The Tech Industry

    Change Fitness Coaching Diploma

    $400.00 / month for 6 months

    This is a six-month group course leading to a diploma in change fitness coaching. There must be a minimum of three people per group. The price is shown per person. NOTE: This program can only be undertaken after you have completed the Personal Change Fitness Program with individual or group coaching.

  • Vecteezy Portrait Of Successful Creative Business Team Looking At 12534417 (nxpowerlite)

    Change Management Diploma

    $300.00 / month for 6 months

    This is a 6-month group training program. Minimum of 4 people per group. Per person price shown.

  • Vecteezy Join A Successful Team Beautiful Young Woman Showing Her 13288901 (nxpowerlite)

    Change Readiness Superpowers Group Course

    $170.00 / week for 5 weeks

    This program has 6 x 2-hour group live sessions (online), 3 months of access to the online course, and 2 group change fitness assessments. The price is $170 (AUD) per person per week for 5 weeks. There are a minimum of 4 people per group. The price at the bottom of this page is the weekly fee for the whole group. The price is shown in AUD (ex-GST). The program also includes three months of access to a monthly interactive Alumni Group where you can bring questions about change and discuss them with others.

  • Vecteezy Portrait Of Successful Creative Business Team Looking At 47187375 (nxpowerlite)

    Personal Change Fitness Program with Group Coaching

    $550.00 / month for 3 months

    This is an online 12-week program with 5 live group coaching sessions. There is a minimum of 5 people per group, and the price shown is per person.