Change Fitness Coaching Certificate – Group Program
This program is designed to help participants develop the knowledge and skills needed to be an effective change fitness coach within an organisation. The cost of the training covers up to 10 people within the same group. Upon completion of this program, particpants will receive a Change Fitness Coaching Certificate attesting their training and knowledge. Holders of this certificate become eligible to deliver the Personal Change Fitness Program to others on their teams.
- theoretical and practical components
- 6-month program
- self-paced and group work components
- contextualised to your particular organisational needs
This is a 6-month training program leading to certification as a trained change fitness coach. Upon completion you will be certified to coach others through the Personal Change Fitness Program (PCFP). Total price is $15000 (ex GST) for up to 10 participants. Completion of the PCFP with coaching is a prerequisite to this certification program.
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