Change Readiness Superpowers Group Course

$170.00 / week for 5 weeks

This program has 6 x 2-hour group live sessions (online), 3 months of access to the online course, and 2 group change fitness assessments. The price is $170 (AUD) per person per week for 5 weeks. There are a minimum of 4 people per group. The price at the bottom of this page is the weekly fee for the whole group. The price is shown in AUD (ex-GST). The program also includes three months of access to a monthly interactive Alumni Group where you can bring questions about change and discuss them with others.

Group Name: Change Readiness Superpowers Group Course | 03/14/2025
Total: $0.00 Discounted price
Courses in this Group



The course is delivered over 5 weeks (or as arranged). Here’s what it entails:

  • An initial and post-training group change fitness assessment with a group report
  • Approximately one hour of weekly instructional videos are presented in three bite-sized episodes. These videos are embedded into the online program and are available for each participant to rewatch when and where they choose
  • Reflective questions accompany the videos designed to get people to think about the applications of the course material for their organisation or team
  • 5 x 2-hour group training sessions (online) are held per the pre-arranged schedule.  These sessions can unearth practical ways to apply the content to the individual situation. Even just one good idea emerging from these discussions could have profound benefits
  • A one-hour sixth group session will allow group members to discuss big ideas that emerged from previous sessions and plan what and how to implement improvements and innovations
  • Participants have three months of access to a monthly interactive Learning Group where they can bring questions about change and discuss them with others
  • All sessions are facilitated by experienced staff


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